Chamber Music

President: Jamie Holland (

The purpose of the University College Chamber Music Society is to facilitate and encourage the participation in chamber music within the College, thereby enriching the tapestry of music present within it. The Society hopes to do this is several ways.

The first of these is to assist students in forming ensembles. If a group of students wish to form a particular ensemble but know not how or wish to enjoy other benefits of the society outlined below, they can contact the society, which shall help them in their endeavour, providing council, nominating musicians to fill any gaps in the ensemble, and offering practical assistance as necessary. Alternatively, a student may wish to submit their name, contract details, and the instruments, which they play and to what ability, to the Society, which shall proceed to offer them opportunities to play or sing within one of its ensembles. The Society shall aim to provide enjoyable and productive opportunities for musicians of all abilities.

Additionally, the Society aims to help its members find music for their ensembles. As the Society grows, it shall also grow its library of scores, which members can borrow, or else recommend them to the University Library or other sources if it does not possess a copy of a given work. Members shall also be able to request to the Committee works that should be purchased for the library as it grows. The Society shall also facilitate the lending of music between its members.

Finally, the Society will also organize a series of concerts and salons, wherein ensembles may showcase their work throughout the year. Concerts will offer an opportunity to engage with non-musicians and enrich the experience of non-members, whilst the salons will allow musicians to socialise and play music for the enjoyment of it in a more formal yet non-concert setting.

Thus, the Society shall connect musicians and help them to make chamber music within the College.

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